Great Vespers-Tone 1

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Divine Liturgy – Mary of Egypt

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Saint Zosimas (April 4) was a monk at a certain Palestinian monastery on the outskirts of Caesarea. Having dwelt at the monastery since his childhood, he lived there in asceticism until he reached the age of link to continue reading

Divine Liturgy-Sunday of Zaccheus

The paschal season of the Church is preceded by the season of Great Lent, which is also preceded by its own liturgical preparation. The first sign of the approach of Great Lent comes five Sundays before its beginning. On this Sunday the Gospel reading is about Zacchaeus the tax-collector. It tells how Christ brought salvation Read more...

Divine Liturgy-Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee

The Sunday after the Sunday of Zacchaeus is devoted to the Publican and the Pharisee. At Vespers the night before, the Triodion (the liturgical book used in the services of Great Lent) begins... click to read more:

Divine Liturgy-Sunday of the Prodigal Son

The Sunday after the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee is the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. This parable of God’s forgiveness calls us to “come to ourselves” as did the prodigal son, to see ourselves as being “in a far country” far from the Father’s house, and to make the journey of return Read more...

Divine Liturgy-Sunday of the Last Judgement/ Meatfare Sunday

Today’s Gospel reading is Matthew 25:31-46, the parable of the Last Judgment. It reminds us that while trusting in Christ’s love and mercy, we must not forget His righteous judgment when He comes again in glory. If our hearts remain hardened and unrepentant, we should not expect the Lord to overlook our transgressions simply because Read more...

Beginning of Great Lent

In the Orthodox Church, the last Sunday before Great Lent—the day on which, at Vespers, Lent is liturgically announced and inaugurated—is called Forgiveness Sunday. On the morning of that Sunday, at the Divine Liturgy, we hear the words of Christ: “If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if Read more...

“Great Lent” Book Study

As this will be a service-limited Great Lent, due to only having access to our church hall on weekends, I would highly recommend you try to find time to spend 1 - 1/2 hrs with us at our Tuesday evening Great Lent and book study. Lent is a valuable time to re-focus on growing in Read more...