St. Aidan Church Breakfast
St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, CanadaA free breakfast is served every Monday of every month. Monday breakfast consists of a breakfast sandwich with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.
A free breakfast is served every Monday of every month. Monday breakfast consists of a breakfast sandwich with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.
Wednesday we fast as we remember the betrayal of the Lord by Judas. We pray that we would not do the same.
A free breakfast is served the first two Wednesdays of every month. Wednesday breakfast consists of burritos with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.
Friday we fast as we remember that the Lord Jesus Christ was hung on the cross for our sake.
All are welcome to join us in worship.
In about the year 42, on the orders of Herod Agrippa, the Apostle Peter was thrown into prison for preaching about Christ the Savior. In prison he was held secure by two iron chains. During the night before his trial, an angel of the Lord removed these chains from the Apostle Peter and led him Read more...
A free breakfast is served every Monday of every month. Monday breakfast consists of a breakfast sandwich with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.
You are free to join in any Tuesday that works for you. Each Tuesday will be a stand-alone class. Feel free to invite anyone you think might be interested. Join in with them or just check out a class or two yourself.
Wednesday we fast as we remember the betrayal of the Lord by Judas. We pray that we would not do the same.
Friday we fast as we remember that the Lord Jesus Christ was hung on the cross for our sake.
All are welcome to join us in worship.