St. Aidan Church Breakfast

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

A free breakfast is served every Monday of every month. Monday breakfast consists of a breakfast sandwich with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.

St. Aidan Church Breakfast

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

A free breakfast is served the first two Wednesdays of every month. Wednesday breakfast consists of burritos with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.

Great Vespers-Tone 4

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Divine Liturgy- Cheesefare Sunday

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

As we begin the Great Fast, the Church reminds us of Adam’s expulsion from Paradise. God commanded Adam to fast (Gen. 2:16), but he did not obey. Because of their disobedience, Adam and Eve were cast out of Eden and lost the life of blessedness, knowledge of God, and communion with Him, for which they Read more...

Forgiveness Sunday Vespers

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

In the Orthodox Church, the last Sunday before Great Lent – the day on which, at Vespers, Lent is liturgically announced and inaugurated – is called Forgiveness Sunday...continue reading the article by Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann click:

Great Lent

Today Great Lent begins as we follow a fast from meat, dairy, wine and oil. This is from today until Pascha on April 24, 2022.

St. Aidan Church Breakfast

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

A free breakfast is served every Monday of every month. Monday breakfast consists of a breakfast sandwich with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.

Great Compline of St. Andrew of Crete CANCELLED

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

A basic distinguishing feature of the Great Canon is its extremely broad use of images and subjects taken both from the Old and New Testaments. As the Canon progresses, the congregation encounters many biblical examples of sin and repentance. The Bible (and therefore, the Canon) speaks of some individuals in a positive light, and about Read more...

Ortho 101 Lenten Zoom Study CANCELLED

You are Welcome to join in any Tuesday that works for you. Each Tuesday will be a stand-alone class. Feel free to invite anyone you think might be interested. Join in with them or just check out a class or two yourself. This course will run for the duration of Great Lent, to allow us Read more...

St. Aidan Church Breakfast

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

A free breakfast is served the first two Wednesdays of every month. Wednesday breakfast consists of burritos with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.

Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

The eucharistic Divine Liturgy is not celebrated in the Orthodox Church on Lenten weekdays. In order for the faithful to sustain their Lenten effort by participation in Holy Communion, the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is served. The service is an ancient one in the Orthodox Church. We officially hear about it in the canons Read more...