Akathist Hymn/Study

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Divine Liturgy-Lazarus Saturday

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Visible triumphs are few in the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ. He preached a kingdom “not of this world.” At His nativity in the flesh there was “no room at the inn.” For nearly thirty years, while He grew “in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52), Read more...

Divine Liturgy – Palm Sunday

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Palm Sunday is the celebration of the triumphant entrance of Christ into the royal city of Jerusalem. He rode on a colt for which He Himself had sent, and He permitted the people to hail Him publicly as a king. A large crowd met Him in a manner befitting royalty, waving palm branches and placing Read more...

Bridegroom Matins

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

These three days, which the Church calls Great and Holy have within the liturgical development of the Holy Week a very definite purpose. They place all its celebrations in the perspective of End Times;...to continue reading click the link: https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2022/04/18/21-great-and-holy-monday

St. Aidan Church Breakfast

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

A free breakfast is served every Monday of every month. Monday breakfast consists of a breakfast sandwich with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.

Bridegroom Matins

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

...At the Presanctified Liturgy: Matthew 24: 36-26, 2. The End again and the parables of the End: the ten wise virgins who had enough oil in their lamps and the ten foolish ones who were not admitted to the bridal banquet;...https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2022/04/19/22-great-and-holy-tuesday

Bridegroom Matins

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

On Great and Holy Wednesday, the hymns of the Bridegroom Service remind us of the sinful woman who poured precious ointment on Christ’s head at Simon the leper’s house (Mt. 26:7)... continue reading at:https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2022/04/20/23-great-and-holy-wednesday

Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Two events shape the liturgy of Great and Holy Thursday: the Last Supper of Christ with His disciples, and the betrayal of Judas...much more to read at:  https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2022/04/21/24-great-and-holy-thursday

Matins with the Gospel Readings

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

We stand before the Cross of Christ and read the 12 Gospels telling of the Passion of Christ.

Royal Hours of Great and Holy Friday

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

On Great and Holy Friday, Christ died on the Cross. He gave up His spirit with the words: “It is finished” (John 19:30). These words are better understood when rendered: “It is consummated.” ...to continue reading, click: https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2022/04/22/25-great-and-holy-friday