St. Aidan Church Breakfast

A free breakfast is served every Monday of every month. Monday breakfast consists of a breakfast sandwich with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.

St. Aidan Church Breakfast

A free breakfast is served the first two Wednesdays of every month. Wednesday breakfast consists of burritos with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.

Great Vespers-Tone 7

All are welcome to worship with us at our temporary location...Boys and Girls Club...120 7th Ave S Cranbrook.

Divine Liturgy-Afterfeast of the Transfiguration

On the first day of the Afterfeast of the Transfiguration, the hymns of Vespers speak of the amazement of the Apostles when they saw Christ transfigured before them. The Savior’s equality with the Father is also stressed, for He who covers Himself with light as with a garment is now transfigured before His disciples, “shining Read more...

St. Aidan Church Breakfast

A free breakfast is served every Monday of every month. Monday breakfast consists of a breakfast sandwich with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.

St. Aidan Church Breakfast

A free breakfast is served the first two Wednesdays of every month. Wednesday breakfast consists of burritos with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.

Great Vespers-Tone 8

All are welcome to join us in the singing of Great Vespers.

The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

After the Ascension of the Lord, the Mother of God remained in the care of the Apostle John the Theologian, and during his journeys She lived at the home of his parents, near the Mount of to continue reading.

St. Aidan Church Breakfast

A free breakfast is served every Monday of every month. Monday breakfast consists of a breakfast sandwich with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.