Great Vespers – Tone 6

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

We are switching to 6:00 pm from. 5:30 pm start for regular Saturday Great Vespers services starting this Saturday. EXCEPT for the first Saturdays of the month which are family vespers game night and will continue to begin at 4 pm.

Divine Liturgy – Saint John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Saint John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria, was born on Cyprus in the seventh century into the family of the illustrious dignitary Epiphanius. At the wish of his parents he entered into marriage and had children. When the wife and the children of the saint died, he became a monk. He was zealous in fasting Read more...

St. Aidan Church Breakfast

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

A free breakfast is served every Monday of every month. Monday breakfast consists of a breakfast sandwich with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.

Great Vespers – Tone 7

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Reminder...Great vespers begin at 6pm.

Divine Liturgy – Prophet Obadiah (Abdia)

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

The holy Prophet Obadiah is the fourth of the Twelve Minor Prophets, and he lived during the ninth century B.C. He was from the village of Betharam, near Sichem, and he served as steward of the impious Israelite King Ahab. In those days the whole of Israel had turned away from the true God and Read more...

St. Aidan Church Breakfast

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

A free breakfast is served every Monday of every month. Monday breakfast consists of a breakfast sandwich with coffee, juice, yogurt and two pieces of fruit.

Festal Divine Liturgy of the Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

According to Holy Tradition, the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple took place in the following manner. The parents of the Virgin Mary, Saints Joachim and Anna, praying for an end to their childlessness, vowed that if a child were born to them, they would dedicate it to the service of God...more Read more...

The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ- Divine Liturgy

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born of the Most Holy Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem during the reign of the emperor Augustus (Octavian). Caesar Augustus decreed that a universal census be made throughout his Empire, which then also included Palestinian Israel. The Jews were accustomed to be counted Read more...

Akathist to the Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria

St. Aidan Orthodox Church Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

The Holy Great Martyr Katherine was the daughter of Konstos, the governor of Alexandria, Egypt during the reign of Emperor Maximian (305-313). Living in the capital, the center of Hellenistic knowledge, and possessed of a rare beauty and intellect, Katherine received an excellent education, studying the works of the greatest philosophers and teachers of antiquity. Read more...