No Vespers this Weekend (in Cranbrook)

With the Feast (Blessed Dormition!)

This weekend is our annual family camp at the Harbour of Riondel. Most of the parish will be together there, and we will be serving Great Vespers on Saturday Evening and Divine Liturgy Sunday at the campground.

Therefore, for this one Saturday only we have cancelled Great Vespers at St. Aidan Church.

As there are a number of you who couldn’t come to the family camp, and as we don’t want to ever shut the Church down on a Sunday morning, some of our choir members have agreed to serve a Readers – Typica Service. This will begin at 10:30am and should last close to an hour. There will not be a potluck lunch for this Sunday only.

Please come out to pray and experience an Orthodox Typika Service consisting of the reading of the Hours, Troparions, Kontakions, Antiphons, Epistle and Gospel readings, and most of the service other than of course the Anaphora and communion parts.

Should you wish to talk with Fr. Andrew, he will be available this weekend on his phone. (250-420-1582)

Image: 2023 Family Camp