Sitka Mother of God

Today, like the morning sun rising over us, / your all-honored icon enlightens the world with rays of mercy / and our land reverently receives it / as a divine gift from on high, / glorifying you, O Birthgiver of God, Our Lady of Sitka, / with joy magnifying Christ our God Who was born of you. / Pray to Him O Lady Mary, Queen and Theotokos / that all cities and lands be protected from our enemies, / and that they will be saved who in faith venerate your most pure icon / that has come to dwell with us, O Virgin Mother, / who shows us the way to Christ. – Troparion

O Mother of God, chosen from all generations to be the protectress of the Christian people; / we offer you songs of thanksgiving for your wonderworking Icon that has come to Alaska. / You are a fountain of mercy and help all who seek refuge in you. / Defend us in all afflictions, necessities and tribulations that we may cry to you: / Rejoice, zealous defender of the Orthodox faithful in America. – Kontakion

Today we commemorate “Our Lady of Sitka” Icon of the Mother of God.

Located at the Cathedral of Saint Michael the Archangel in Sitka, Alaska is one of the most revered Icons in North America: the Sitka Mother of God.

The Cathedral received the Icon as a gift from the laborers of the Russian American Company in 1850, two years after the Cathedral was completed. Even with their meager wages, these men generously made their contribution to the Church.

Miracles have been attributed to the Sitka Mother of God Icon over the years. It is believed that the gaze of the eyes of the Theotokos have led to the restored health of those who prayed before the Icon.