September Schedule:

Our Archbishop Iréneé, Archbishop of Ottawa and all of Canada, will be visiting us this week 3 times! Twice here at St. Aidan Orthodox Church and once at Holy Myrrhbearers in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

Please do what you can to come out and greet our bishop and feel free to invite any guests you think would like to join us.

If you could help by bringing a favorite dish on Saturday (Sept. 21) for the potluck, which follows after the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy which runs from 9:00am to about 11:30am, this would be most appreciated.

In addition, we will have a short (1/2 hr.) Molieben on Friday (Sept. 20) night at 5:30pm followed by a Lenten soup supper to meet and greet Vladyka Iréneé – so if you could bring a soup, some bread, or something to add to the Lenten soup meal to share, this would also be most welcomed.

Vladyka Iréneé will also be serving a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Church in Bonners Ferry (Fr. Gregory Horton’s Church) on Thursday (Sept. 19) at 9:00am and we are invited as well! If you are planning on coming down to this Thursday morning Hierarchical Liturgy at Holy Myrrhbearers, please let me know as Fr. Gregory would like to get a rough count on numbers for his food team for the potluck lunch following the Liturgy. (See the attached invitation directly below).

Dear Brothers:

Grace and peace from Our Lord, Jesus Christ! With the blessing of Metropolitan SABA, it is my pleasure to invite you to our church on Thursday, September 19th, as we host His Eminence, Archbishop IRENEE, the OCA Archbishop of Canada. We will greet him at 9:00am at the church but it would be great if we could assemble at 8:30am (and possibly vest at that time).

There will be a potluck lunch after the Hierarchical Liturgy. It would be a great blessing to see you and to have you serve with us. Please let me know if you will be coming and how many people from your church might be coming as well (so that we can make sure that we have enough food). Please advertise this in your church…everyone welcome.

In Christ’s Holy Love, Fr. Gregory, Holy Myrrhbearers, Bonners Ferry/Naples, Idaho

Hope you can make the time to come out and greet your Archbishop!