Happy Names Day to one of our young women!

“There are icons which depict Saint Paraskevi holding in her hands a dish in which there are two eyes. This refers to a miracle accomplished by the Saint…..This is the reason why many sick, who suffer eye problems, consider Saint Paraskevi their patron and supplicate that she intervene miraculously and cure them. The saints, by the help of God, are the physicians of our souls and bodies. To them we resort when we have various problems and ask their help. Of course, theologically we say that God Himself acts through the saints, since the saints are the friends and caregivers of Christ……

Today we commemorate and celebrate Saint Paraskevi, who lived with Christ and was martyred for His glory. She is the patron also of all those who have problems with their physical eyes, as well as all of us who have problems with the eyes of our souls [the nous] and cannot see the love of God, we cannot realize our passions, the needs of our neighbors, we also cannot see the way to be saved. Let us ask Saint Paraskevi with faith for our healing.

I pray that all of you have many years and blessings. May Saint Paraskevi protect you all of your life, with the power of the Grace of Christ.”

– His Eminence Metropolitan Hierotheos (Ekklesiastiki Paremvasis, “Η θαυματουργός Αγία Παρασκευή”, June 2008. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.)