Happy Namesday to one of our parish girls.

St Marina was born around the mid to late 3rd Century in Pisidia, Asia Minor. Her father was a pagan priest and her mother died when she was very young. Her nursemaid is the one who raised her in the Christian faith.

When her father learned about Marina being a Christian, he disowned her. At about fifteen years of age, Marina was arrested and thrown in prison for being a Christian. This was during the reign of the Emperor Diocletian (284-305) who was very brutal towards Christians. Marina was held in custody in the district ruled by Governor Olymbrios.

He tried to persuade Marina to renounce Christ and become his wife. She refused and was subjected to brutal tortures. Yet, miraculously the Lord completely healed her wounds. Those who witnessed this glorified God and became Christians. For Christ Himself said: let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven (Mt 5:16). Those who do good works are not to be praised and glorified, rather the works bear witness to God that He may be glorified. The Governor was outraged and ordered the execution of all Christians in that region. A total of 15,000 Christians were martyred for the True Faith that day. St Marina was among the martyrs, she was beheaded.

In a time of distress and uncertainty, we look upon St Marina as an example of resilience and piety. May we all seek the intercessions of the Great Martyr, Saint Marina, before the Lord our God, for health and well-being.

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(Image: oca.org)