All Saints of the British Isles and Ireland

Today, on the third Sunday after Pentecost, our parish celebrates the Celtic Saints.

“O come, all ye faithful, now let us praise the saints of the Isles, the venerable monastics, the holy bishops, the right-believing princes, all the martyrs and the company of holy women, those known by name and those unknown, for truly by their words and deeds and manifold ways of life and gifts of God, they became saints and God made glorious even their graves with wonders. And now, standing before Christ Who hath glorified them, they pray fervently for us who celebrate the splendour of their feast with love.”

– one stichira from the Vespers service of All Saints of the British Isles and Ireland.

Read more about the Saints of the British Isles Project at

Image: our patron saint, St. Aidan of Lindisfarne, from our website