St. Edwin

Today is the commemoration of Saint Edwin, the son of Alla, King of Deira. He was born around 584, eventually becoming ruler of the entire north of England and, by force of arms, obliged the other kings to acknowledge him as sovereign. He married Ethelburga, the daughter of Saint Ethelbert (February 25), the first Christian king in England. In 627, the eleventh year of his reign, Saint Edwin was baptized by Saint Paulinus of York in the wooden church of Saint Peter. Saint Edwin began the construction of a new stone church, which was completed by his successor Saint Oswald (August 5). Saint Oswald is the king who sent for St. Aidan of Lindisfarne.

For more information about King Edwin, go to For more information about Northumbria at the time of King Edwin, King Oswald and St. Aidan, go here.
