Church Clean-Up

Glory to Jesus Christ!

The time has finally arrived. The painters have finished their final painting and as of yesterday are done and out of the church. That means it is now time to begin our move-in process! We are organizing a complete interior clean of the church (cleaning the dust off all the walls, cupboards etc.) tomorrow, Saturday afternoon, from 1:30 through to Vespers at 5:30 (Vespers will still be served at the hall for this last week.) If you can help, please call or just come on down with your favorite cleaning rag.

The St. Aidan young people are pitching in this coming Saturday afternoon by cleaning up weeds/debris from the church yard and gardens. If any adults would like to help, the more the merrier. Bring gloves, an extra rake and a weed wacker if you have one. We will be going to Dairy Queen afterwards 😀

love in Christ……fr. andrew