St. Aidan’s Saints Day

With the Feast!

Today, Aug. 31 is the Saints Day of our Church! May God grant that this is the last time we miss gathering and celebrating it in his home at St. Aidan Orthodox Church.

We also are celebrating the names day of two of our parish members today!

Saint Aidan, a steadfast defender of Celtic practices against the imposition of Roman usage, was born in Ireland (then called Scotland) in the seventh century. When the holy King Oswald of Northumbria wanted to convert his people to Christianity, he turned to the Celtic monks of Iona, rather than the Roman clergy at Canterbury. The first bishop sent to lead the mission proved unsuitable, for he alienated many people by his harshness. Saint Aidan said Instead of being very severe with people, he should have fed them with milk rather than solid food (I Cor. 3:2). The bishop was recalled, Saint Aidan was consecrated bishop, and sent to Northumbria to take charge of the mission. (

Give thanks to our patron saint for all of his prayers and love for our little parish. Through the prayers of St. Aidan of Lindisfarne, Lord Jesus Christ have mercy upon us and save us!

Love in Christ…….fr. andrew

A donation has been made to the St. Aidan Orthodox Church elevator fund in the name of St. Aidan.