
The new church garden compost bins are now set up and ready to use.

Anyone who would like to bring their kitchen compost bag/pail to add to the church compost bin if they do not have their own are welcome.

Please follow the guidelines posted on the bins, which will lessen the work for the garden volunteers.

Bin #1 is the Active Composting Bin. The goal is to have it break down quickly so we can use it this Fall so make sure the pieces are SMALL. Layer brown materials from Bin #2 (straw, newspaper, sawdust, etc) in between the green layers (grass, coffee/tea, veg/fruit, eggshells, manure, etc).

Email us for more detailed composting instructions.

Inside the Garden gate is a black compost bin for leaves only.

Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to an abundant harvest this summer.